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barbara glickman, executive director

Barbara Glickman began her career at Ohev Shalom of Bucks County in 2007 teaching preschool and 2nd grade religious school.  In 2013 she was promoted to education director and in 2022 became the synagogue’s Executive Director, filling a position that was vacant for 10 years. During her years at Ohev, she has worked closely with the synagogue’s Inclusion and Education Committees as well as other lay leaders to help shape curriculum, policies and programs. Barbara earned a Masters Degree in Jewish Communal Service from Gratz College in 2018, where she was a mid-career fellow, graduated with honors, and was awarded the graduate prize in Hebrew studies. In 2022, Barbara was a member of the inaugural cohort of Pardes Institute’s Senior Educators Fellowship cohort.  She also participated in the second cohort of Spertus Institutes’ Certificate in Jewish Leadership for Educators and is proud to hold a certificate in virtual facilitation from The Institute for Experiential Jewish Education – M2. Barbara has a Bachelor’s in Psychology from Temple University and studied towards an M.B.A. at Philadelphia University. Barbara prides herself on creating a warm, welcoming and inclusive environment at Ohev and partnering with lay leaders and staff to create experiential, intergenerational and engaging opportunities.



Shari Sabath (Morah Shari) has been involved with Jewish education since she was a teenager. She continued her journey during college teaching religious school and leading services. That was when she realized that she wanted to make Jewish Education to be a career since it had already been her calling. After earning her Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Miami, she studied at American Jewish University (formerly the University of Judaism) earning her Master’s Degree in Education and Baccalaureate of Hebrew Literature

After graduation, Morah Shari worked in Jewish Day Schools and afternoon synagogue schools as a teacher and administrator. Recently, Morah Shari was part of the first cohort of the Senior Educators Learning Fellows at Pardes Institute of Jewish Learning in Israel where she was able to increase her knowledge of Jewish topics and learn about resources available to enhance the Jewish experience of congregations in the US.

Morah Shari loves working with students and their families on being Jewish in their way and is looking forward to getting to know all the students and their families.

michele machles, administrative assistant

Ohev Shalom welcomes Michele Machles as our new Administrative Assistant. Michele is an experienced Jewish Educator and Artist. You may already know her as the Omanut Director at Ramah Day Camp or as Project SHEMA’s Multigenerational Program Coordinator at The Abramson Center for Jewish Life. She also substituted in all grades at all synagogues just about everywhere locally. Closest to her heart is her daughter Sophia Ostroff (now Solomon), her husband Adin, and their new baby daughter Ayelet. Michele is looking forward to meeting everyone and becoming a part of the Ohev Shalom of Bucks County’s sacred community.

lay leadership 2024/25

Craig Surnitsky, President

Vice Presidents Lindsay Miller
Eileen Schein
Sara Torjman
Finance Officer Albert Torjman
Recording Secretary Shep Smithline
Legal Chair Mitch Gerson
Immediate Past President Michael Goldstein
Communications Chair Eileen Nolan
Programming Chair  
Fundraising Chair Hilary Leboff
Membership/Publicity Chair  
Building Chair Mark Kolber
Ritual Chair Eric Kleiman
Education Chair Mindy Rockower
Youth Chair Aliza Feldman
Hebrew School PTO Co- Chairs  Lauren London, Heather Levy
Adult Education Chair  
Social Action Chair Carol Gerson
Director-at-Large, Interfaith Outreach Emily Ngee
Director-at-Large, Young Family Engagement  
Director-at-Large, Retention Julie Schieken
Dove Tale Editor Sharon Goldstein
Men’s Club President Steven Miller
Sisterhood President Ivy Graff
Past Presidents Diane Pevar, Dana Podob, Rachel Saks, Barry Klein, Hal Barrow, Arlene Rosenbaum, Natalie Brooks, Laurie Segal, Barbara Kind Berman, Mark Pachman, Bruce Baron, David Friedman, Fredi Lisgar z'l, Mitch Ziegler, Mark Shapiro z'l
Sat, August 31 2024 27 Av 5784