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As a member of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, we maintain the beauty and warmth of ritual tradition and also enjoy the innovation of modern Judaism. Our Rabbi, Eliott N. Perlstein, is a dynamic leader, whose approach is one of teaching and encouraging, rather than preaching and demanding. He invites everyone to become more involved and committed to a Jewish way of life. Our Cantor, Annelise Ocanto-Romo, adds the beautiful melodies to our Friday evening and Shabbat morning services. She is also the music teacher for our Religious School, as well as a BMitzvah trainer.

Our congregation represents the care, love, support and work of its members. The Jewish growth and development of the family is emphasized, and adults and children alike take an active role in all synagogue services. Our goal is to build a strong Jewish community that looks to the synagogue to be a warm and creative place for religious, cultural and social activities.

Ohev Shalom’s Mission Statement

Ohev Shalom is dedicated to serving the spiritual, educational, cultural, civic and social needs of its members in an egalitarian environment framed by Jewish tradition as interpreted by the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism.

The synagogue is further committed to providing these services in an atmosphere of joy and mutual caring within a congregational family. Our goal is to pass along pride in the Jewish heritage to our children and through them to the generations yet to come.

The synagogue will nourish the spirit by providing meaningful religious services and opportunities for personal involvement in worship and ritual. Spiritual support and communal caring are forthcoming to all congregants throughout all of their life-cycle occasions, whether simcha or bereavement.

The synagogue will challenge the mind by instilling in each of its members the awareness that the pursuit of knowledge is a lifelong process and by providing an educational program for both children and adults that is inspirational, challenging and rewarding. The educational goals of the synagogue are founded in the quest to make all members of the synagogue community comfortable with the religious and ritualistic elements of Judaism. Additional educational goals include familiarizing congregants with Halacha (rules that govern all of our decision making…passed to us by both the Torah and Jewish sages), developing or deepening an understanding of Jewish history and culture, establishing Hebrew literacy and forging a lifetime identity with the State of Israel.

The synagogue will enrich the soul by offering diverse cultural programs linking our Jewish experience to the arts and sciences.

The synagogue will open the heart by assuming a leadership role in the performance of Tzedakah, both within the congregation and in the larger community. Understanding that the execution of mitzvoth is not an option afforded to us, but a dictum incumbent upon us to follow, will help the Ohev Shalom community to reach toward tikun olam.

While tending to the above serious needs, the synagogue will also provide opportunities for socializing that are so important for making new friendships, keeping congregants connected and enjoying entertaining programs, all within a Jewish context.


Sun, September 1 2024 28 Av 5784